USA Curling Arena National Championships

The Arena National Championships are regionally-based championships aimed at determining the top arena teams. An arena club is defined as a club that is a member in good standing of the USA Curling and conducts all its on-ice activities by renting ice from a facility that is not solely or predominantly used for curling. Twelve women’s and twelve men’s teams will be competing at Curl Mesabi November 9-12, 2023.

Timers and On Ice Officials are needed for every draw. Trained officials are preferred, but if you are willing to learn how to time…give us a shout!

All games are eight ends. Teams start practice 1/2 hour before each draw.

Draw Times:
Thurs, 11/9/23 – 2:30 & 7:30 pm
Fri, 11/10/23 – 9:00 am & 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sat, 11/11/23 – 9:00 am & 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sun, 11/12/23 – 10:00 am & 3:00 pm

Contact Ardy with any questions at 218-780-9164 or


Sign up below...

Semi Finals - Timer: 9:30 am (10:00 draw)November 12, 2023#1: Sandy Bromenschenkel
#2: Ardy Wilberg
#3: Matthew Kane
#4: Lisa Rudolph
Semi Finals - On Ice Official: 9:00 am (10:00 draw)November 12, 2023#1: Joey Erjavec
#2: James Rudolph
Finals - Timer: 2:30 pm (3:00 draw)November 12, 2023#1: Sandy Bromenschenkel
#2: Ardy Wilberg
#3: James Rudolph
#4: Denny Bone
Finals - On Ice Official: 2:00 pm (3:00 draw)November 12, 2023#1: Joey Erjavec
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed